OK, back from hiatus. But don’t expect much. I don’t plan to update that often and consequently don’t expect anyone to read this. It’s more of an accountability mechanism for myself, particularly about my fitness.
Now, the speed at which time is flying and with the impending Christmas season approaching, it has made me more reflective as the final stretch of the year generally does. One hopes that every time they keep a record and reflect, that the current comparison would be an improvement on the past. Unfortunately, I have realized that, in terms of fitness, this time last year, I have gone backwards. Yesterday, I forced myself to the gym for a quick session before running off to another engagement. I ran 3 kms in 20 mins and today, my quads are mildly sore! After only 3kms! I’m ashamed of myself. Just a mere 4 months ago, on the 9th of August, I ran the city2surf, 14kms in around 75 minutes and at this point in time, have let myself slip way behind the pack. I took a break from the gym, ate like a glutton and stacked on at least 5 kgs in the process. My BMI was already indicating I was slightly overweight for my height, before these series of events. Time for a change.
I’ve recently read Dean Karnazes 50 marathons in 50 days and am inspired by his unbelievable athletic ability. Three things really impressed me.
1. He ran the New York City Marathon in just over 3 hours. This was after spending the previous 49 days running 2067.8kms (49 marathons).
After running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days:
2. They tested his blood and performed various other medical tests and found that the damage on his body was the same as a normal person running only 1 marathon. A true sign of an ultramarathon man.
3. Organisers didn’t book him a flight home from New York so Dean gathered some supplies, did what he does best and ran home Forrest Gump style. Roughly 2 months later, when he was running, Dean thought the area he ran through looked familiar. He then realized it was the start point where he ran his first marathon. He had now felt a sense of closure on his adventure so from there, Dean ran to the airport and caught a plane home back to his family.
I’m not saying I want to run 50 marathons in 50 days. I just want to run 1 marathon in 365 days. Unfortunately last years goal did not eventuate for various reasons. But one can only look ahead to the horizon. So this is where it starts.